Flexo Facebook Manager is a fully integrated social plugin for your WordPress site. It allows you to add different Facebook features: [Like], [Comments], [Send] in your Pages, Posts, Categories and Sidebars.
Global Settings
Access and enter the necessary global data through the Dashboard Left Administration Pane.
There are various options, which can be used to control the appearance of this Plugin.
- width – the width of the plugin, in pixels
- appId – you need Application Id in order to work with the Facebook API
- num_posts – default number of Posts that are showing
- feed
- Faces – show the Profile Pictures
- Send – include a Send Button
- Layout – is to determine if the Like Box is over the content or underneath it.
- Post Meta Vars – it include extra vars in WordPress Database which can be used for sorting by Likes, Comments or Overall FB Score
- Type – different Types supported by Facebook
- XID – additional variable that can be created using Post ID or the Current URL
Adding Facebook to your Posts and Pages
Below each Post or Page; you will find meta-box called „Flexo Facebook Manager“, that feature a full range of options for customizing the Plugin’s behavior.
Adding Facebook to your Categories
You can add Facebook arbitrarily in your code using the script bellow:
$id can accept different values. It can represent your CategoryID, PageID, PostID or CurrentURL(permalink).
Options for $type are:
- ‘default’ – show Likes, Comments and include Open Graph
- ‘like’ – show Likes and include Open Graph
- ‘comments’ – show Comments and include Open Graph
- ‘open_g’ – include Open Graph
The final look should be similar to the picture bellow
Additional functionality
Flexo Facebook Manager gives two Class Functions, which can be used to get number of the Post’s Likes and Comments:
- flexoFBManager ::get_likes ($post_id);
- flexoFBManager ::get_comments ($post_id);